

Kalamazoo, US

broken clouds

Feels Like 41°F
Wind 11.7 m/h
Pressure 1023 hPa


Keep us groomin'!
Every donation keeps that sled running!

Donation Amount

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Thank You to our
recent contributors:

Tom N.02/25/2025
Shaofei X.02/21/2025
Michael O.01/31/2025
Kathryn S.01/26/2025
Henrik H.01/25/2025
Marylou W.01/25/2025
Jonathan E.01/17/2025
Nicole F.01/16/2025
Cathy M.01/16/2025
Barry B.01/15/2025

Kalamazoo Nordic Skiers

Thank you for your interest in donating to Kalamazoo Nordic Skiers! We're glad you're as interested in maintaining this local skiing venue as we are. Our dedicated group of groomers appreciate the fact that you're using the trails, and feel they're worth it to you to donate. Your donation will go directly towards the upkeep of the trails, the grooming equipment and the little bit of advertising we do (trail signs, website, etc). Our time is donated.


Donation Amount


If you would prefer to send in your donation, download this printable donation form.

Periodically, we have to invest in new equipment or replace worn equipment. These expenses are generally more expensive than our day-to-day costs, but are intended to be planned purchases. If you would like to help out in those cases, please contact us directly, and we'll let you know when those purchases might happen, in case you'd be willing to help cover those specific costs.

Again, thank you for using and supporting Kalamazoo Nordic Skiers and the trails at Milham Golf Course.

© 2025 Kalamazoo Nordic Skiers Photographs by Zolton Cohen Site & Hosting by NewmanIT