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Tom N.02/25/2025
Shaofei X.02/21/2025
Michael O.01/31/2025
Kathryn S.01/26/2025
Henrik H.01/25/2025
Marylou W.01/25/2025
Jonathan E.01/17/2025
Nicole F.01/16/2025
Cathy M.01/16/2025
Barry B.01/15/2025

Kalamazoo Nordic Skiers

Trail Conditions Report

Thu, Feb 20, 2025: Milham Park Golf Course (Kalamazoo)
The perimeter loop was groomed and classic tracks were set today. Still a little thin in spots, but with a little bit of snow, it might stay nice for a couple days.

     - Jeff Newman -

Thu, Feb 13, 2025: Milham Park Golf Course (Kalamazoo)
The skate trail was groomed on Thursday, but due to drifting, the snow is still somewhat thin and classic tracks could not be set. There is still some grass and dirt showing in a few places, but with another 4-5" of snow, conditions should improve and classic tracks should be possible.

     - Jeff Newman -

Fri, Jan 24, 2025: Milham Park Golf Course (Kalamazoo)
Classic tracks were set on both the inner and outer loops at Milham Park Golf Course today. Those that skied them reported they were fast and fun! Someone that went out on the skate trail said it was a great start for the season, and was looking forward to a little more snow and a little more grooming, but was really happy overall. He also said something about Swix Purple - I assume that's some highly technical ski jargon, but thought I'd pass it along :)

     - Jeff Newman -

Thu, Jan 23, 2025: Milham Park Golf Course (Kalamazoo)
After sorting out some mechanical issues, the outer loop was groomed today for skaters, and the inner and outer loops will have classic tracks set tomorrow. Should be good skiing for the next several days, just in time for a nice weekend.

     - Jeff Newman -

Wed, Jan 15, 2025: Milham Park Golf Course (Kalamazoo)
Kalamazoo Milham Park Golf Course Ski Trail was in great shape for skating and classic thanks to a wide, firm base provided by the Kalamazoo Nordic Skiers (KNS). The track was deep, consistent and debris free - suitable for "A skis". Enjoy it while you can and remember to donate via the tube at the driving range pkg lot or website - Well done KNS!

     - Otto P Beagle

Tue, Jan 14, 2025: Milham Park Golf Course (Kalamazoo)
Skate lane re set after 4+ inches of fresh snow last night. A little soft right now but should set up nicely. Classic track will be set this afternoon. As good as we can hope for folks, let's get out there and enjoy!

Dave D

     - Dave D

Mon, Jan 13, 2025: Milham Park Golf Course (Kalamazoo)
Good news! Set the outside perimeter ski lane and it looks great. Right now some lake affect snow is blowing in so I expect it will be a little soft. Will come back tomorrow. Reset the skate lane and try to set a classic track as well hooray!

     - Dave D

Sat, Jan 20, 2024: Milham Park Golf Course (Kalamazoo)
Groomed the perimeter trail for both skating and classic today. Skiers should find good conditions. Enjoy before the rain and warmer temperatures arrive next week.

     - Richard Neumann -

Thu, Jan 18, 2024: Milham Park Golf Course (Kalamazoo)
Skate lane remains a little on the soft side. Did not reset track today due to forecast of 3-4" tonight. Outside classic loop in very nice condition, thanks in large part to all those who are skiing it. New inside loop set by Groomer Tom N, approximately 3 miles. Nice fun loop but it needs to be skied in to preserve it so get out there and enjoy it.

Dave D

     - david deback

Mon, Jan 15, 2024: Milham Park Golf Course (Kalamazoo)
Skate lane still soft but skiable, minimal blown snow currently. Classic track set on both interior and perimeter loops. Classic lane may be faster than skate lanes. At minus 2 please be careful but otherwise enjoy.

     - Dave D

Sun, Jan 14, 2024: Milham Park Golf Course (Kalamazoo)
MIlham is groomed. Skiers will find soft and slow snow. Should get better once it sets up and warms up a bit. Nonetheless there were many skiers out enjoying the snow.

     - Richard Neumann -

Sun, Jan 29, 2023: Milham Park Golf Course (Kalamazoo)
Skiers should find good but thin conditions at Milham after this mornings grooming. We only received an inch of snow overnite but it was pretty wet so added to the total on the ground. No more snow in the the near forecast but lots of freezing temperatures so looks like we have the possibility of skiing for a bit. Get out and enjoy.

     - Richard Neumann -

Sat, Jan 28, 2023: Milham Park Golf Course (Kalamazoo)
We were finally able to groom Milham again after a long break. Skiers will find a thin but a fully covered trail. Lots of people have been out classic skiing making their own trail and when I arrived to groom this morning the upper parking lot was already full. If it snows any tonight we will regroom tomorrow morning. I believe skaters will find ok conditions today and better conditions tomorrow. Now that the snow has been pushed down it should allow the ground to get colder. To thin to set a classic track at this time, but lots of good classic skiing to be found any way.

     - Richard Neumann -

Sun, Dec 25, 2022: Milham Park Golf Course (Kalamazoo)
Future chief groomer Violet and I rolled the perimeter and warm up loop at Milham this morning. I would say 70% of the trail is in fair shape with the remaining 30% with very thin coverage. Most of the 30% has grass showing through the snow or pretty much uncovered ground. Removed lots of sticks. Hoping for snow today or over night then should be in better shape until the warm up later in the week when all of this will go away again.

     - Richard Neumann -

Sun, Nov 20, 2022: Milham Park Golf Course (Kalamazoo)
Went over the entire trail again this morning after last night and yesterdays new snow fall. Trail is in much better condition than yesterday but the ground is still above freezing and skiers will find numerous spots where the snow is slushy. Classic skiers should find better conditions. I would not recommend trying to skate on the trail at this time. Hopefully as the temperatures stay below freezing for the next few days conditions will improve.

     - Richard Neumann -

Sat, Nov 19, 2022: Milham Park Golf Course (Kalamazoo)
Rolled the trail at Milham this early afternoon. Very thin and windy. Skiers will find poor conditions today but hoping after we get some more snow and it stays cold for a while longer better conditions will be found tomorrow. Road crossings are warmest of all and slushy. Will report again tomorrow if there is any news to report.

     - Richard Neumann -

Fri, Feb 18, 2022: Milham Park Golf Course (Kalamazoo)
Groomed this morning after a windy four inches of new snow overnight. The trail varies from bare grass, slush, to lots and lots of ice with one inch of compacted snow on top. Classic skiers should find ok conditions, skate skiers should find very poor conditions. My hope is that the snow will attach with time. Maybe it will be ok late today or tomorrow?

     - Richard Neumann -

Wed, Feb 16, 2022: Milham Park Golf Course (Kalamazoo)
2/15/2022 update - in a recent review, I was very impressed with the classic track on the perimeter trail shared with skaters and today I was even more impressed with the interior classic only trail that meanders throughout the golf course. The tracks were deep, firm, consistent, debris free and wide enough for a good pole plant. Diagonal striding was effortless using blue kick wax on a 25 degree cloudless day. Many thanks to Kalamazoo Nordic Skiers for creating this new opportunity for classic skiers !

     - Otto P Beagle

Tue, Feb 15, 2022: Milham Park Golf Course (Kalamazoo)
Skiers should find excellent conditions today at Milham. The skate lane was razored leaving a firm but edgable surface. The perimeter classic trail is worn but fine. Tom set a new interior classic loop near the previous one on Sunday. This trail is in very good condition. Looks like it should be fun until tonights warm up. More snow after the warm up so we will see if we get another round of skiing in or not. Will update when there is something to report.

     - Richard Neumann -

Sat, Feb 12, 2022: Milham Park Golf Course (Kalamazoo)
I groomed Milham today with the Razor to loosen up the icy top layer of the skate lane with good results. Skating is super fast, with decent control. The classic tracks have survived the thaw fairly well. There are several spots of hard ice, with no snow cover that require caution. So for the next couple days, get out there and ski. We could be near the end!

Paul Wells
Kalamazoo Nordic Skiers

     - Paul Wells

Tue, Feb 8, 2022: Milham Park Golf Course (Kalamazoo)
Skate lane reset today using the razor for that oh so nice shave. All ruts from previous warming and freezing trends removed resulting in a picture perfect skate lane. That said it is warming up and the perfect conditions will not last long. Looking forward to the warmup tomorrow please keep in mind if it is too soft please take the day off. It is difficult to smooth out the skate grooves if they are deep when the temps drop.
Outside classic loop is showing signs of wear but still quite nice, interior loop has held up better and is a fantastic meandering lane that is slightly longer than the outside loop.

Dave D. KNS

     - Dave DeBack

Mon, Feb 7, 2022: Milham Park Golf Course (Kalamazoo)
Groomed the skate trail at Milham this morning. The classic trail is in great shape so I did not touch it. The skate lane is now both flatter and wider than it was this weekend. Skiers should find good conditions overall.

     - Richard Neumann -

Sat, Feb 5, 2022: Milham Park Golf Course (Kalamazoo)
A rare day as MPGC classic tracks were considerably better than the skating deck with deep, firm grooves that allowed good technique on the entire perimeter trail with perfect kick and glide from my green/blue wax combo. Kalamazoo Nordic Skier routing also avoided troublesome leaf and debris areas and resulted in best classic conditions of this season! Lets support these dedicated volunteers by feeding the donation tube near the trailhead/parking area.

     - Otto P Beagle

Thu, Feb 3, 2022: Milham Park Golf Course (Kalamazoo)
Groomed the skate lane at Milham this morning. Dave is setting a classic track as I type this. Skiers will find poor conditions at this time. The rain that fell Tuesday night is still unfrozen in many places. There are numerous puddles under the snow cover. It is supposed to be in the single digits tonight. I would expect the trail to be vastly improved by Saturday.

     - Richard Neumann -

Tue, Feb 1, 2022: Milham Park Golf Course (Kalamazoo)
At the moment our trails are in decent condition but will not well tolerate usage in 30 degree plus temps. As we all look skyward in hopes of a nice February dump it would be best if skiers stayed off of the groomed trail at Milham. Our concern is deep cuts in the soft/slushy snow will refreeze into a nasty grooves and then we don't receive enough new snow to reset a truly fresh track. Please avoid skiing for the next 24 hours and keep your fingers crossed in hopes of a really nice accumulation of fresh snow.

Dave D

     - Dave DeBack

Wed, Jan 26, 2022: Milham Park Golf Course (Kalamazoo)
Exterior loop groomed and classic track set. Classic track has some thin spots but has hardened up nice. Still slow mostly due to cold temps. Enjoy.

     - Dave DeBack

Tue, Jan 25, 2022: Milham Park Golf Course (Kalamazoo)
The two regular loops were regroomed this morning. Still thin but better than its been. Skiers should find good conditions.

     - Richard Neumann -

Sun, Jan 23, 2022: Milham Park Golf Course (Kalamazoo)
After receiving three inches of new snow the warm up loop and perimeter trails were groomed at Milham this morning. Skiers will find a thin trail with an icy base. To thin to set a classic track at this time. Overall skiers should find fair conditions.

     - Richard Neumann -

Sun, Jan 9, 2022: Milham Park Golf Course (Kalamazoo)
It looks like we're off and running with the 2022 XC season at the Milham Park Golf course. Groomer Dave DeBack groomed the skate trail yesterday morning and both skaters and inline skiers were able to enjoy decent, though windy, conditions on the trails.

All the snow that fell over the last few days was so light and fluffy that, packed down, it didn't amount to much. The trail is thin, and there just isn't enough snow yet to set a classic track.

That shouldn't stop inline skiers though; you can break trail on your own or follow existing tracks throughout the course. If you do, please remember to stay off the greens. Also, the golf course does not allow dogs on the premises, and we request that snowshoers and walkers stay off the groomed ski trails. They take a lot of time and effort to create, and uses other than skiing deteriorate them for that purpose.

Conditions on Sunday, today, are likely to be poor due to overnight rain. We would encourage skiers to stay off the trail while the snow is mushy and wet, as ruts created can later freeze into dangerous, hard-to-negotiate ridges.

Enjoy the venue, and don't forget to donate to the cause, either through the website or the donation tube affixed to the golf range pole barn.

See you out skiing...

Zolton Cohen, Kalamazoo Nordic Skiers

     - Zoltan Cohen

Sat, Jan 8, 2022: Milham Park Golf Course (Kalamazoo)
Outside loop of Milham just groomed and looking good. Snow coverage is good to excellent but the track is a bit soft and will take a little time to set up. Depending on how this snow holds up and if we get a little more a classic track can be set but for now the skier set track is in good condition. Get out and enjoy!

     - Dave D

Fri, Jan 7, 2022: Milham Park Golf Course (Kalamazoo)
For the second day in a row we have rolled the perimeter trail and the warm up loop at Milham. Skiers will find thin conditions. Classic skiing looks like the better choice right now. Should only get better, will update when we groom again.

     - Richard Neumann -

© Kalamazoo Nordic Skiers Photographs by Zolton Cohen Site & Hosting by NewmanIT